Reviewed by Amanda Geers

the race wise family 150wThis book is great for parents of children of any age as it's never too late to start in creating intentional postures as a family that seek healing, celebration, and hope for all of God's multiethnic, multicultural family. However, I'm grateful to have read this book now while my kids are young, as the authors helped me realize the importance of having intentional conversations around race even at the preschool level.

I particularly appreciated the chapter on having a posture of lament as a family. It showed me that the tendency to want to stay only in postures of praise, thankfulness, and celebration may arise from a place of privilege. The authors' suggestions for regularly joining in lament and processing the brokenness and hurt in this world was helpful both on an individual and family level.

As a busy mom of two young kids, I did at times find the text a little dense to read. However, there were great practical suggestions at the end of each chapter, and I found their suggested family prayers to be very powerful. The authors also provide a Multiethnicity Quotient Assessment at the back of the book, a quick way to do a little check to find the areas where our family could grow or challenge each other.

I look forward to discussing this book! And for those who prefer audio, there are a couple of podcast interviews available, as well as some resources from the authors. See the links below: