The Justice and Racial Reconciliation Team has created a website where we've been collecting and organizing the resources we have sent to our newsletter readers over the past two-and-a-half years.

For people who are new to the group, there's a Where Do I Start page that provides a short list to get you started on your Christ-centered understanding of justice and racial reconciliation. Our Learning Resources section is divided by type: books, movies and videos, podcasts, etc. Each entry has links to detailed descriptions elsewhere online to sites such as and

We have a Justice Blog that contains essays, reflections, and laments on the subject of racial justice. We also have a list of Local and National Organizations under the Get Involved menu and a Calendar of relevant events from BelPres and the community. Finally, we have a special link on COVID-19 and Race that displays all the resources we have on the pandemic and its impact on race.

In future newsletters, we'll highlight items added to the website. If you have comments or suggestions for additional resources, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..