Looking for ways to commemorate MLK Day? Here are some ideas:
- Participate in a tree planting at Eastgate Park. The tree-planting will be 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the park, 14509 SE Newport Way. Gloves, tools, hot drinks, water and snacks will be provided. To sign up, go to EarthCorps.org and click on "Volunteer Calendar."
- Attend the MLK Prayer Breakfast. The J&RR tables are full, but you can still register online for an individual seat.
- Join others from the J&RR Team at Garfield High School for workshops, rally, and march. More information at https://www.seattlemlkcoalition.org/. If you want to join the group, email
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , and we'll let you know where to find us. - Crossroads MLK Celebration & Health Fair, 11:00AM to 3:00 PM Head over to Crossroads Shopping Center for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration and Health Fair. This popular event offers inspiring talks by guest speakers and community leaders, live entertainment and community performances that honor Dr. King's legacy. Visitors will have the opportunity to donate blood, receive free health screenings and explore a variety of health-related community resources. For details, visit https://crossroadsbellevue.com/music-events/mlk-celebration-health-fair/.