BelPres Justice & Racial Reconciliation Team


Perspectives: a 15-week Discipleship Course for Followers of Jesus
Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 06:00pm - 09:00pm
Location:  Online

You are invited to consider enrolling in a 15-week virtual discipleship course experience to help you grow in your biblical understanding of justice,reconciliation, and cultural renewal. BelPres is hosting this nationwide course via Zoom, with a discounted cost of $120 ($90 for a 2nd family member).

To request a BelPresscholarship, contact coordinator Tom Merritt at sure you want to commit? Try it out! You can register using the 'FirstNight Free' option and sample the 1st two lessons. Click here for the zero-dollar option.


The Christian Gospel movementhas brought about positive social transformation in communities and churches.God initiates and advances His work in history to accomplish His purposes boldly in dark times such as pestilence (COVID) and persecution (racial killings).We can use Jesus' incarnational humility for cross-cultural learning to build bridges of love over cultural and racial divides.

Perspectives presents sessions by 15 different instructors, nationally qualified, with authors including John Stott, John Piper, NT Wright, HT Blackaby, Tim Keller, Tim Dearborn, Rick and Kay Warren, Ralph Winter, and Steve Hawthorne.