Take time this month to learn from and about the Native American community.
Resources for Children
Read one of these picture books with your children. All are available at the King County Library System. Click on the covers to learn more about the books.
Read a Native American Christian Perspective
Shalom and the Community of Creation: An Indigenous Vision by Randy Woodley
Read or Listen to Native American Poetry
Joy Harjo is an internationally renowned performer and writer of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. She served three terms as the 23rd Poet Laureate of the United States from 2019 – 2022. In An American Sunrise Harjo's personal life intertwines with tribal histories to create a space for renewed beginnings. This book is available at the King County Library System as an audiobook.
Learn about Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women
Watch the PBS documentary Bring Her Home which follows three Indigenous women as they fight to vindicate and honor their missing and murdered relatives.
Learn About a Current Justice Issue Important to the Native American Community
On Nov. 9, the Supreme Court heard a case, Haaland v. Brackeen, that could threaten the Indian Child Welfare Act. The Indigenous Nations of this land are asking the public to learn about this issue and vocalize support. The following links provide ways for you to educate yourself on this issue.
- National Indian Child Welfare Association– Learn more about the Indian Child Welfare Act and how it helps Native American families, children, and tribes.
- Incentives And Cultural Bias Fuel Foster System – Part One of NPR special series on Native Foster Care
- Cherokee chief voices support for Indian Child Welfare ahead of Supreme Court hearing – From Tulsa World newspaper
- Lakota People's Law Project – The Native American community is asking allies to help advocate for them. This project provides one way to take action.
- Follow Protect ICWA on Instagram– You can also find download their one-page summary on the Indian Child Welfare Act here.
Check Out Resources in Our Local Community
Na'ah Illahee Fund is an Indigenous women-led organization dedicated to the ongoing regeneration of Indigenous communities. Through grantmaking, capacity-building and community-based intergenerational programming, they seek transformative change by supporting culturally grounded leadership and organizing. Focused on Indigenous Ecology, Food Sovereignty, and Wise Action, they work to advance climate and gender justice, while creating healthy pathways towards self-determination and movement-building. You can learn about the grants they are making to see the types of projects and groups the Native community is supporting – the burdens on their hearts.
Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Lands Movement seeks to spread awareness of the Snoqualmie people who have lived in the southern Salish Sea region since time immemorial and share the significance of these lands and provide information on how people can help the Tribe in respecting, restoring, and protecting these lands. You can follow them on Facebook or Instagram where they share information and resources regularly.